愛彼錶圓弧形錶耳鱷魚背骨手工錶帶 AP Millenary 4101 horn back crocodile strap/tmp/phpcRgN4e/tmp/phptYR3XZ

AP Millenary 4101 curved lug end horn back crocodile strap



這款是AP Millenary 4101 圓弧形錶耳墊厚款式的灰藍色鱷魚背骨錶帶, 錶帶的寬度是24收18mm, 長度是70x115mm ( 適合約17 CM 的手腕尺寸), 中央墊厚的厚度是 4.3mm, 尾部減薄到 2.2mm的厚度. 使用原廠的折疊扣. 這款錶帶可以依照您的手腕尺寸來訂製
The strap sample was made: Audemars Piguet Millenary 4101 curved lug grayish blue little horn croco strap, 24x18mm in width, 70x115mm in length, thick 4.3mm taper to 2.2mm, match stitch, dyed and burnished edges.
The selling item is one custom made curved lug end padded horn back crocodile strap, no including the watch and buckle/clasp. No stock, only make to order. The posting strap sample was sold by way of the custom strap order of my customer.
The strap sample could be made a new custom strap according to the specifications of your custom strap sizes. The new custom strap could be made to fit your wrist size.


款圓弧形錶耳墊厚款式的鱷魚背骨錶帶, 我們在錶帶中間墊厚的材料, 是採用英國的柔軟的小牛皮, 用手工削修成圓弧型; 然後再和上層的鱷魚皮以及背面的小牛皮互相貼合之後, 再用法國的手縫麻線縫製完成. 因為太費工時了, 幾乎沒有人用手工製作這類 圓弧型墊厚的鱷魚背骨錶帶.
PS:目前許多名牌手錶 的 墊厚款式的錶帶, 在中間墊厚的材料, 幾乎都是採用 厚紙板 (生產線上用紙漿朔型大量生產來製作)做內襯. 所以非常容易從錶帶的背面破裂開來.


我們的手工錶帶都不含錶帶釦. 我們沒有提供原廠的錶釦, 但有提供加價選購的代用錶帶釦.
這款圓弧形錶耳墊厚的鱷魚背骨錶帶的寬度,長度和厚度等尺寸, 以及錶帶的顏色, 都可以依照個人手錶錶款的需要來訂做.



You are welcome to search with cheergiant straps. You can find out a lot of photos of the watch straps we have made for our buyers.
歡迎有興趣的格友直接搜尋 巧將手工錶帶, 或是搜尋 cheergiant straps
也非常 歡迎點閱我們的錶帶相簿: More photos of my custom straps are available for your reference, would you please visit my straps album:

歡迎參考我們刊登在雅虎商店的各種生活皮件: https://tw.bid.yahoo.com/booth/Y6007561992?bfe=1&catId=2092074011

Any questions about my handmade watch straps are welcome.
Please feel free to email me at: cheergiant@gmail.com

電郵信箱 Email: cheergiant@gmail.com
巧將皮飾行 03-3665965
或請洽: 藍先生 0910605612 或請 LINE 我的ID是 cheergiantlan





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