JLC Reverso 976 Fagliano Shell Cordovan strap
網頁中這款錶帶樣本是JLC Reverso 976 積家錶翻轉錶款的深咖啡色馬臀皮手工錶帶, 適合約17公分手腕尺寸的訂做錶帶. 它的尺寸是: 寬度 22 x 20mm, 長度 75 x 115 mm, 厚度是從4.5mm減薄到2.2 mm的厚度. 錶帶採用柔軟又強韌的英國小牛皮做中間和底部的內襯皮革, 採用法國的白色上蠟麻線手工縫製完成.
PS: 前兩張照片是我們國內的客戶收到訂製的錶帶之後,傳送給我們錶帶安裝到手錶上面的照片.
The strap sample was made: JLC Reverso 976 Fagliano style dark brown Shell Cordovan strap, 22x20mm in width, 75x115mm in length, thick 4.5mm taper to 2.2mm, white stitching, dyed and burnished edges, brown calf lining.
在這幾張照片中就是各種顏色的馬臀皮, 這些法國的馬臀皮是採用馬的臀部的皮革製成,質地強韌並且非常細緻. 擁有最頂級的質感和觸感,是極為珍貴稀少的皮革.
In these photos are some various colors of Shell Cordovan skins. These French Shell Cordovan skins are made from the leather of the horse's hips. The texture is durable and very detailed. With the top texture and touch, they are extremely precious and Rare leather.
You are welcome to search with cheergiant straps. You can find out a lot of photos of the watch straps we have made for our buyers.
歡迎有興趣的格友直接搜尋 巧將手工錶帶, 或是搜尋 cheergiant straps
也非常 歡迎點閱我們的錶帶相簿: More photos of my custom straps are available for your reference, would you please visit my straps album:
Any questions about my handmade straps are welcome.
Please feel free to email me at: cheergiant@gmail.com
電郵信箱 Email: cheergiant@gmail.com
巧將皮飾行 03-3665965
或請洽: 藍先生 0910605612