D.S 快拆鱷魚錶帶
Dubey & Schalendenbrand quick release crocodile strap
第一款錶帶樣本是D.S快拆款式的深藍色鱷魚皮錶帶, 寬度是14mm收12mm,使用原廠 12mm的錶帶釦, 錶帶的長度是短邊50mm,長邊95mm,適合稍小的手腕尺寸,厚度是從2.6mm減薄到2.2mm的厚度.
The first strap sample was made: Dubey & Schalendenbrand quick release padded dark blue crocodile strap, width 14x12mm, length 50x95mm, thick 2.6mm taper to 2.2mm, blue stitching, come with quick release spring bars. The strap color and strap length could custom make for your own watch.
這款鱷魚皮手工錶帶正面是珍貴的鱷魚的皮革,中間是英國小牛皮修削成由厚減薄墊厚的夾層,背面是一層削薄的柔軟又強韌的英國小牛皮. 三層皮革互相貼合用法國麻線縫合,將邊緣磨圓後再塗上歐洲最頂級的邊油. 錶帶的側邊平滑細緻耐久不掉色.
第二款錶帶樣本是D.S快拆款式的深綠色鱷魚皮錶帶, 寬度是14mm收12mm,使用原廠 12mm的錶帶釦, 錶帶的長度是短邊50mm,長邊95mm,適合稍小的手腕尺寸,厚度是從2.6mm減薄到2.2mm的厚度. 歡迎搭配您自己的原廠的錶帶扣來訂製新的鱷魚錶帶.
The second strap sample was made: Dubey & Schalendenbrand quick release padded dark green crocodile strap, width 14x12mm, length 50x95mm, thick 2.6mm taper to 2.2mm, match stitching, come with quick release spring bars. The strap color and strap length could custom make for your own watch.
有興趣訂做手工錶帶的網友, 有兩種訂做方式: (一): 網友可以把舊錶帶用掛號郵寄給我們; 或是 (二): 請您幫忙量一下錶帶釦的寬度,和您的手錶錶耳部位的寬度,以及您使用的錶帶長度. 這樣我們就可以幫您製做獨特精緻,耐用又耐看的手工錶帶了.
歡迎有興趣的格友直接搜尋 巧將手工錶帶, 或是搜尋 cheergiant straps
也非常 歡迎歡迎參考我們刊登在eBay商店的錶帶和各種生活皮件:
歡迎參考我們刊登在雅虎商店的各種生活皮件: https://tw.bid.yahoo.com/booth/Y6007561992?bfe=1&catId=2092074011
You are welcome to search with cheergiant straps. You can find out a lot of photos of the handmade watch straps we have made for our customers.
Any questions about my handmade watch straps are welcome.
Please feel free to email me at: cheergiant@gmail.com
電郵信箱 Email: cheergiant@gmail.com
巧將皮飾行 03-3665965
或請洽: 藍先生 0910605612 或請 LINE 我的ID是 cheergiantlan