Panerai Assolutamente strap, 24x22mm, 75x115mm, thick 5.5mm taper to3.0mm, cream stitch.( padded crazy horse). 01 Panerai Assolutamente strap, 24x22mm, 75x115mm, thick 5.5mm taper to3.0mm, cream stitch.( padded crazy horse). 02

沛納海小沛PAM425 & 504墊厚的牛皮錶帶 



本網頁中的錶帶是兩件沛納海 PAM 425 墊厚款式的牛皮錶帶樣品, 歡迎依照手錶需要的寬度及長度尺寸來訂做. 另外pam504,pam505款式的墊厚的牛皮錶帶也歡迎訂製.


PS: 錶帶扣是選擇性的配件, 可以加價購買. 也有提供摺疊扣的錶帶, 歡迎網友在 問與答 中與我們聯絡.

The first strap sample ( 1st~3rd photos ) was made: Panerai Assolutamente strap, 24x22mm in width, 75x115mm in length, thick 5.5mm taper to 3.0mm, cream stitch, dyed and burnished edges, black lining.



第一張到第三張照片中的第一件錶帶樣本的款式是 PAM 425款式的瘋馬皮錶帶, 尺寸是: 適合 24 mm 的錶耳及 22mm 錶釦的錶帶, 長度是 75 x 115 mm 的標準長度,厚度是從 5.5 mm 減薄到 3.0 mm, 側邊有精緻封蠟的墊厚的瘋馬皮錶帶.   歡迎依照您的小沛的錶耳尺寸 來訂製其它 26x22mm 或 22x22mm寬度的錶帶.

Panerai Assolutamente strap, 24x22mm, 75x115mm, thick 5.5mm taper to3.0mm, cream stitch.( padded crazy horse). 03Panerai Radiomir padded Assolutamente strap, 27x22mm, 65x110mm, thick 5.5mm taper to 2.8mm. 01  Panerai Radiomir padded Assolutamente strap, 27x22mm, 65x110mm, thick 5.5mm taper to 2.8mm. 02Panerai Radiomir padded Assolutamente strap, 27x22mm, 65x110mm, thick 5.5mm taper to 2.8mm. 03

第二件錶帶樣本的款式是 Panerai Radiomir墊厚款式的瘋馬皮錶帶, 尺寸是: 適合 26 mm 的錶耳及 22mm 錶釦的錶帶, 長度是 65 x 110 mm 稍短的長度,厚度是從 5.5 mm 減薄到 2.8 mm

Panerai Radiomir padded Assolutamente strap, 27x22mm, 65x110mm, thick 5.5mm taper to 2.8mm. 04

Panerai Radiomir padded Assolutamente strap, 27x22mm, 65x110mm, thick 5.5mm taper to 2.8mm. 05Panerai Radiomir padded Assolutamente strap, 27x22mm, 65x110mm, thick 5.5mm taper to 2.8mm. 06Panerai Radiomir padded Assolutamente strap, 27x22mm, 65x110mm, thick 5.5mm taper to 2.8mm. 07  

以上登出兩款沛納海小沛PAM425 Pam504墊厚的牛皮錶帶

歡迎有興趣的格友直接搜尋 巧將錶帶, 或是搜尋 cheergiant straps
也非常 歡迎點閱我們的錶帶相簿: More photos of my custom straps are available for your reference, would you please visit my straps album:

Any questions about my handmade straps are welcome.
Please feel free to email me at:

電郵信箱 Email:
巧將皮飾行 03-3665965
或請洽: 藍先生 0910605612



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