Bell %26; Ross BR01 brown big horn croco strap,24x24mm,85x135mm,thick 7.5mm taper to3.5mm,match stitching.01 .JPG

這款是Ball & Ross BR-01 深咖啡色的鱷魚大骨錶帶,寬度是24mm收24mm,適用24mm的 Ball & Ross 原廠的錶帶釦,長度是短邊 85mm,長邊135mm,厚度是從7.5mm減薄到3.5mm的厚度,縫深咖啡色的上蠟麻線. 

Bell %26; Ross BR01 brown big horn croco strap,24x24mm,85x135mm,thick 7.5mm taper to3.5mm,match stitching.02.JPG

Bell & Ross BR-01 brown big horn crocodile strap,24x24mm in width,85x135mm in length,thick 7.5mm taper to3.5mm,match stitching,dyed and burnished edges,match calf lining.


Bell %26; Ross BR01 brown big horn croco strap,24x24mm,85x135mm,thick 7.5mm taper to3.5mm,match stitching.03.JPG

The padded big horn crocodile strap is a very difficult leather product.
 All most of the current OEM padded leather straps were made of some paper board pad.
 But our hand made padded croco strap was made of genuine leather pad. We pare the calf leather to be a curved pad for producing the padded strap.
Besides, the big horn crocodile skin is too hard for producing the watch strap.
Due to that we took a long time to make each padded leather strap.
And we use the soft and tough British calfskin to produce the interior and the backside lining of the croco strap.
Therefore the big horn croco strap will be perfectly soft and durable, and will hardly break from the strap holes.

Bell %26; Ross BR01 brown big horn croco strap,24x24mm,85x135mm,thick 7.5mm taper to3.5mm,match stitching.04.JPG

Bell %26; Ross BR01 brown big horn croco strap,24x24mm,85x135mm,thick 7.5mm taper to3.5mm,match stitching.05.JPG

Bell %26; Ross BR01 brown big horn croco strap,24x24mm,85x135mm,thick 7.5mm taper to3.5mm,match stitching.06.JPG

大骨的鱷魚錶帶是非常困難製作的錶帶, 一張鱷魚皮只能製作一件大骨的鱷魚錶帶.  
所以配帶起來不會有硬的感覺.  但是錶帶外側的大骨, 從外側觸摸是很硬很酷的感覺.

Bell %26; Ross BR01 brown big horn croco strap,24x24mm,85x135mm,thick 7.5mm taper to3.5mm,match stitching.07.JPG


Bell %26; Ross BR-01 black vintage leather strap,24x24mm,70x112mm,thick 4.5mm taper to3.8mm,white stitch.01 .JPG

這款是Bell & Ross BR-01超軟的黑色牛皮錶帶,寬度是24收24mm,適用24mm Bell & Ross原廠的錶帶釦,

Bell %26; Ross BR-01 black vintage leather strap,24x24mm,70x112mm,thick 4.5mm taper to3.8mm,white stitch.02.JPG

Bell & Ross BR-01 black vintage leather strap,24x24mm in widthy,70x112mm in length,thick 4.5mm taper to3.8mm,white stitch,dyed and burnished edges,black calf lining.


Bell %26; Ross BR-01 black vintage leather strap,24x24mm,70x112mm,thick 4.5mm taper to3.8mm,white stitch.03.JPG


Bell %26; Ross BR-02 honey  brown vintage leather strap,26x24mm,70x115mm,thick 8.0mm taper to 4.5mm,cream stitch.01 .JPG

這款是Bell & Ross BR-02 復古風味的咖啡色牛皮錶帶,寬度是26收24mm,適用24mm Bell & Ross原廠的錶帶釦,

Bell %26; Ross BR-02 honey  brown vintage leather strap,26x24mm,70x115mm,thick 8.0mm taper to 4.5mm,cream stitch.02.JPG

Bell & Ross BR-02 honey  brown vintage leather strap,26x24mm in width,70x115mm in length,thick 8.0mm taper to 4.5mm,cream stitch,dyed and burnished edges,brown calf lining.


Bell %26; Ross BR-02 honey  brown vintage leather strap,26x24mm,70x115mm,thick 8.0mm taper to 4.5mm,cream stitch.03.JPG

I've two edition of the BR-02 strap, they have different shape at watch lug end.  The original OEM BR-02 version shape is narrow at watch lug end of the strap. These two posting BR-02 leather straps are made of the original OEM BR-02 version shape. 

Besides we make some BR-02 custom straps in wider shape at watch lug end of the strap similar to the shape of original OEM BR-01 version watch strap.

If you would like your BR-02 new custom strap to be made in the original OEM BR-02 version shape, please let me know.

我有兩個版本的 BR-02錶帶,他們在錶耳端有粗細不同的造型。現在這兩款錶耳端較窄的是原廠BR-02 的版本; 另外也有許多網友喜歡錶耳處較寬和 BR-01及 BR-03 原廠錶帶相同造型的版本.

Bell %26; Ross BR-02 black vintage leather strap,26x24mm,70x115mm,thick 8.0mm taper to 4.5mm,cream stitch.01 .JPG

這款是Bell & Ross BR-02 超軟的黑色牛皮錶帶,寬度是26收24mm,適用24mm Bell & Ross原廠的錶帶釦,

Bell %26; Ross BR-02 black vintage leather strap,26x24mm,70x115mm,thick 8.0mm taper to 4.5mm,cream stitch.02.JPG

Bell & Ross BR-02 black vintage leather strap,26x24mm in width,70x115mm in length,thick 8.0mm taper to 4.5mm,cream stitch, dyed and burnished edges, black calf lining.


Bell %26; Ross BR-02 black vintage leather strap,26x24mm,70x115mm,thick 8.0mm taper to 4.5mm,cream stitch.03.JPG

Bell %26; Ross BR-02 black vintage leather strap,26x24mm,70x115mm,thick 8.0mm taper to 4.5mm,cream stitch.04.JPG

以上登出Ball & Ross BR-01 鱷魚大骨錶帶及牛皮錶帶與 BR-02 兩款牛皮錶帶分享

歡迎格友直接搜尋 巧將手工錶帶,或是搜尋 cheergiant watch strap.
也非常 歡迎點閱我們的錶帶相簿: 
或請洽:   藍先生   0910605612


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    巧將 二哥

    桃園三個皮匠==巧將手工皮雕的皮革工藝之夢==Cheergiant Leather Crafts,watch straps

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