芝柏錶咖啡色鱷魚錶帶分享Girard Perregaux brown croco strap Girard Perregaux croco strap . 04



長度是短邊65mm,長邊105mm稍短的錶帶長度, 厚度是從4.5mm減薄到2.0mm的厚度.

Girard Perregaux brown croco strap,22x16mm, 105x65mm,thick4.5mm taper to 2.0mm,match stitch.01 Girard Perregaux brown croco strap,22x16mm, 105x65mm,thick4.5mm taper to 2.0mm,match stitch.02

Girard Perregaux brown croco strap,22x16mm in width,105x65mm in length,thick4.5mm taper to 2.0mm,match stitch,dyed and burnished edges.

Would you please take a look at the side view of this croco strap. It's a hard work to produce the thickness from thicker thick 4.5mm taper to thiner thick 2.0mm.

The thicker thick 4.5mm at lug end of the strap can bear the heavy watch, and the thiner thick 2.0mm at tail end of it will be soft and comfortable.

Girard Perregaux brown croco strap,22x16mm, 105x65mm,thick4.5mm taper to 2.0mm,match stitch.03Girard Perregaux brown croco strap,22x16mm, 105x65mm,thick4.5mm taper to 2.0mm,match stitch.04

請您過目一下這款鱷魚錶帶側邊的照片. 這款錶帶困難製作的過程造就了暨耐用又配戴舒適的精緻品質.




Girard Perregaux brown croco strap,22x16mm, 105x65mm,thick4.5mm taper to 2.0mm,match stitch.05Girard Perregaux brown croco strap,22x16mm, 105x65mm,thick4.5mm taper to 2.0mm,match stitch.06



Girard Perregaux croco strap . 01Girard Perregaux croco strap . 02

More photos of my custom straps and various leathers are available for your reference, please visit my straps album:



All most of my posting straps are some custom straps that have sold by way of some custom strap orders.
Each my posting items could be made a new custom strap according to the specification of your custom strap order.

Any questions about my handmade straps are welcome.
Please feel free to email me at cheergiant@gmail.com

Girard Perregaux croco strap . 03Girard Perregaux croco strap . 05

  以上登出: 芝柏錶咖啡色鱷魚錶帶分享


歡迎您 參考搜尋點閱 Cheergiant straps 刊登 的其它手工牛皮錶帶 以及鱷魚皮錶帶.

也非常 歡迎點閱我們的錶帶相簿:



諸位先進大格友如果有任何指教與建議,歡迎用 Email: Cheergiant@gmail.com 與我們聯絡!!

巧將皮飾行 門市 Tel:03-3349479 或 0910605612 藍先生

敬祝: 平安順心!






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