崑崙錶泡泡系列 粉紅色鱷魚錶帶 Corum Bubble XL pink crocodile strap

這款是崑崙錶泡泡系列 粉紅色的鱷魚錶帶,縫同色的上蠟麻線,錶耳處是製作圓弧形的款式,寬度是24mm收20mm,適用20mm原廠的摺疊釦,
長度兩邊都是製作70mm的錶帶長度, 厚度是從7.0mm減薄到3.0mm的厚度.

Corum Bubble XL pink crocodile strap, 24x20mm, 70x70mm, thick 7.0mm taper to 3.0mm, red stitching. 02

Corum Bubble XL pink crocodile strap,24x20mm in width,70x70mm in length,thick 7.0mm taper to 3.0mm,red stitching,dyed and burnished edges, brown calf lining. This strap was made in curved lug end style.

Corum Bubble XL pink crocodile strap, 24x20mm, 70x70mm, thick 7.0mm taper to 3.0mm, red stitching. 03  

More photos of my custom straps are available for your reference, please visit my straps album:



All most of my posting straps are some custom straps that have sold by way of some custom strap orders.
Each my posting items could be made a new custom strap according to the specification of the custom strap order.

Any questions about my handmade straps are welcome.
Please feel free to email me at  cheergiant@gmail.com

Corum Bubble XL pink crocodile strap, 24x20mm, 70x70mm, thick 7.0mm taper to 3.0mm, red stitching. 04

諸位先進格友們如果有興趣觀賞我們的其它的錶帶樣品, 歡迎您過目參考一下我們的錶帶相簿:



如果有任何指教或諮詢,歡迎您用 Email: Cheergiant@gmail.com 與我們聯絡!!
巧將皮飾行 門市 Tel:03-3349479 或 0910605612 藍先生





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