IWC custom straps

                 最近製做了幾款 IWC 的錶帶, 今日趁空登出與革友們分享.

 IWC Big Pilot honey brown vintage cowskin strap, 22x18mm, 55x145mm, thick 4.0mm taper to 2.5mm, cream stitch, dyed and burnished edges.

首先這款是 IWC Big Pilot 的復古咖啡色牛皮錶帶,  寬度是 22mm 收 18mm, 長度是 短邊 55mm, 長邊 145mm, 厚度是從4.0mm減薄到2.5mm, 縫米色的日本上蠟麻線.

IWC Big Pilot honey brown vintage cowskin strap, 22x18mm, 55x145mm, thick 4.0mm taper to 2.5mm, cream stitch, dyed and burnished edges. 03

接著這款是 IWC 墊厚的黃褐色鱷魚錶帶,  寬度是 21mm 收 18mm, 長度是 短邊 60mm, 長邊 135mm, 厚度是從6.0mm減薄到2.4mm, 縫米色的日本上蠟麻線. 這款錶帶是使用原廠的摺疊釦.

IWC chocolate brown padded croco strap, 21x18mm, 60x135mm, thick 2.4mm at tail fits deployant clasp, cream stitch.  

IWC chocolate brown padded croco strap, 21x18mm, 60x135mm, thick 2.4mm at tail fits deployant clasp, cream stitch. 01

IWC chocolate brown padded croco strap, 21x18mm, 60x135mm, thick 2.4mm at tail fits deployant clasp, cream stitch. 02

IWC chocolate brown padded croco strap, 21x18mm, 60x135mm, thick 2.4mm at tail fits deployant clasp, cream stitch. 03

IWC chocolate brown padded croco strap, 21x18mm, 60x135mm, thick 2.4mm at tail fits deployant clasp, cream stitch. 04

這款是 IWC 的工程師鱷魚錶帶, 寬度是 30x22mm, 長度是 75x115mm, 厚度是從 5.5淤減薄到 3.3mm, 縫黑色的麻線.

IWC Inginieur Mission Earth black croco strap, 30x22mm, 75x115mm, thick 5.5mm taper to 3.3mm, black stitch.

IWC Inginieur Mission Earth black croco strap, 30x22mm, 75x115mm, thick 5.5mm taper to 3.3mm, black stitch. 01

IWC Inginieur Mission Earth black croco strap, 30x22mm, 75x115mm, thick 5.5mm taper to 3.3mm, black stitch. 02

這款是 墊厚的深咖啡色鱷魚錶帶,  寬度是 22mm 收 18mm, 長度是 短邊 60mm, 長邊 135mm, 厚度是從6.5mm減薄到2.2mm, 縫同色的日本上蠟麻線. 這款錶帶是使用原廠的摺疊釦.

IWC padded dark brown croco strap, 22x18mm, 60x135mm, thick 6.5mm taper to 2.2mm, match stitch.

IWC padded dark brown croco strap, 22x18mm, 60x135mm, thick 6.5mm taper to 2.2mm, match stitch. 01

IWC padded dark brown croco strap, 22x18mm, 60x135mm, thick 6.5mm taper to 2.2mm, match stitch. 02

IWC padded dark brown croco strap, 22x18mm, 60x135mm, thick 6.5mm taper to 2.2mm, match stitch. 03

這款 IWC Portofino 墊厚的深咖啡色鱷魚錶帶,  寬度是 22mm 收 18mm, 長度是 短邊 65mm, 長邊 110mm, 厚度是從5.5mm減薄到2.5mm, 縫同色的日本上蠟麻線. 這款錶帶是使用原廠的針釦.

IWC Portofino padded dark brown croco strap, 22x18mm, 65x110mm, thick 5.5mm, taper to 2.5mm, match stitch.

IWC Portofino padded dark brown croco strap, 22x18mm, 65x110mm, thick 5.5mm, taper to 2.5mm, match stitch. 01

IWC Portofino padded dark brown croco strap, 22x18mm, 65x110mm, thick 5.5mm, taper to 2.5mm, match stitch. 02

這款是IWC 3777-01 Pilot Chronograph 的復古咖啡色牛皮錶帶,  寬度是 21mm 收 18mm, 長度是 短邊 75mm, 長邊 115mm, 厚度是從4.0mm減薄到3.0mm, 縫白色的日本上蠟麻線.

IWC 3777-01 Pilot Chronograph brown vintage cowskin strap, 21x18mm, 75x115mm, thick 4.0mm taper to 3.0mm, white stitch.

IWC3777-01 Pilot Chronograph brown vintage cowskin strap, 21x18mm, 75x115mm, thick 4.0mm taper to 3.0mm, white stitch. 02

IWC3777-01 Pilot Chronograph brown vintage cowskin strap. 01

以上登出幾款IWC 的手工錶帶分享.
諸位先進格友如果有興趣觀賞我們的其它的錶帶樣品,歡迎您參考搜尋點閱 Cheergiant Strap 刊登 的各手錶品牌的手工牛皮錶帶 以及鱷魚皮錶帶. 
歡迎有興趣的格友直接搜尋 巧將手工錶帶, 或是搜尋 cheergiant watch strap.
也非常 歡迎點閱我們的錶帶相簿:

或請洽:   藍先生   0910605612


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