Corum Admirals Cup black curved lug end crococalf strap,21x18mm, 70x115mm, thick 5.0mm taper to 2.0mm. A1 .JPG

這款是崑崙錶Admiral Cup 的圓弧型黑色的鱷魚紋牛皮錶帶,寬度是21mm收18mm,適用原廠的18mm的摺疊釦, 錶帶的長度是短邊70mm,長邊115mm,適合約16.5公分的手腕尺寸,厚度是從5.0mm減薄到2.2mm的厚度. 

Corum Admirals Cup black curved lug end crococalf strap,21x18mm, 70x115mm, thick 5.0mm taper to 2.0mm. A2.JPG

崑崙錶Admiral Cup有獨特的錶耳構造, 是非常困難製作的錶帶款式之一. 

原廠的錶帶在錶耳處有使用一個硬朔膠片, 通常原廠的錶帶都是從錶帶背面鑲入這個硬膠片的部位破裂開來.  現在我們有提供訂製不使用硬膠片的代用錶帶的服務. 這款不使用硬膠片的代用錶帶,不但比原廠錶帶便宜,而且更加耐久又耐用. 


Corum Admirals Cup black curved lug end crococalf strap,21x18mm, 70x115mm, thick 5.0mm taper to 2.0mm. 01  .JPG


Corum Admirals Cup black curved lug end crococalf strap,21x18mm, 70x115mm, thick 5.0mm taper to 2.0mm. 02 .JPG

The strap sample was made: Corum Admirals Cup black curved lug end crococalf strap, 21x18mm in width, 70x115mm in length, thick 5.0mm taper to 2.2mm, black stitching, dyed and burnished edges, black calf lining.

Corum Admirals Cup black curved lug end crococalf strap,21x18mm, 70x115mm, thick 5.0mm taper to 2.0mm. 03 .JPG

Corum Admirals Cup black curved lug end crococalf strap,21x18mm, 70x115mm, thick 5.0mm taper to 2.0mm. 04 .JPG

這款圓弧型錶耳,墊厚款式不使用硬膠片的代用錶帶, 有附贈一對圓弧形的彈簧針 (curved spring bar).

Corum Admirals Cup black curved lug end crococalf strap,21x18mm, 70x115mm, thick 5.0mm taper to 2.0mm. 05 .JPG

Corum Admirals Cup black curved lug end crococalf strap,21x18mm, 70x115mm, thick 5.0mm taper to 2.0mm. 06 .JPG

Corum Admirals Cup black curved lug end crococalf strap,21x18mm, 70x115mm, thick 5.0mm taper to 2.0mm. 07 .JPG

以上登出崑崙錶Admiral Cup 的圓弧形錶耳鱷魚紋牛皮錶帶分享

歡迎有興趣的格友直接搜尋 巧將錶帶, 或是搜尋 cheergiant straps
也非常 歡迎點閱我們的錶帶相簿:  More photos of my custom straps are available for your reference, would you please visit my straps album:

Any questions about my handmade straps are welcome.
Please feel free to email me at :

巧將皮飾行 03-3665965
或請洽:   藍先生   0910605612


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