Cartier Tank Francaise padded matte black crocodile strap,20x18mm,106x106mm, thick 4.5mm taper to 1.4mm,black stitching.03.JPG

這款錶帶是卡地亞墊厚的霧面黑色鱷魚錶帶, 錶帶的寬度是20收18mm,長度是106X106mm,中央墊厚的厚度是 4.5mm, 尾部減薄到 1.4mm的超薄的厚度. Cartier 這款錶帶是特殊的厚度,極為困難製作. 錶帶正面的鱷魚皮革加上背面的牛皮內襯的總厚度, 需要精確的控制在1.4mm. 因為太厚就無法使用在 Cartier的摺疊扣了.  

PS: 這款錶帶適用於一般的錶耳,不適用於Cartier Roadster 的快拆錶耳款式.

Cartier Tank Francaise padded matte black crocodile strap,20x18mm,106x106mm, thick 4.5mm taper to 1.4mm,black stitching.01 .JPG

Cartier Tank Francaise padded matte black crocodile strap, 20x18mm in width,106x106mm in length, thick 4.5mm taper to 1.4mm,black stitching,dyed and burnished edges, black calf lining.  

PS: This strap fits normal watch lug, It's not the quick change watch lug strap.

Cartier Tank Francaise padded matte black crocodile strap,20x18mm,106x106mm, thick 4.5mm taper to 1.4mm,black stitching.02.JPG

這款 (中央鼓起)墊厚款式的鱷魚錶帶, 我們在錶帶中間墊厚的材料, 是採用歐洲的柔軟的小牛皮, 用手工削修成圓弧型; 然後再把許多層真皮材料縫製成墊厚的鱷魚錶帶.  因為太費工時了, 幾乎沒有人製作這類 墊厚款式的鱷魚錶帶.    
PS:許多各名牌手錶 的 墊厚款式的原廠錶帶, 在中間墊厚的材料, 大都是採用 厚紙板 (紙漿朔型大量製作)做內襯. 


Cartier Tank Francaise padded matte black crocodile strap,20x18mm,106x106mm, thick 4.5mm taper to 1.4mm,black stitching.05.JPG

在這兩張照片中,可以看到這款特殊厚度摺疊釦錶帶,厚度是從4.5mm減少到超薄的1.4mm.   錶帶的尾部需要反折裝配在原廠的摺疊扣中來使用.

          這款墊厚的鱷魚錶帶的長度尺寸和顏色, 可以依照個人需要來訂做.

Cartier Tank Francaise padded matte black crocodile strap,20x18mm,106x106mm, thick 4.5mm taper to 1.4mm,black stitching.06.JPG

Cartier Tank Francaise padded matte black crocodile strap,20x18mm,106x106mm, thick 4.5mm taper to 1.4mm,black stitching.07.JPG

Cartier Tank Francaise padded matte black crocodile strap,20x18mm,106x106mm, thick 4.5mm taper to 1.4mm,black stitching.08.JPG

Cartier Tank Francaise padded matte black crocodile strap,20x18mm,106x106mm, thick 4.5mm taper to 1.4mm,black stitching.04.JPG


歡迎有興趣的格友直接搜尋 巧將手工錶帶, 或是搜尋 cheergiant watch strap.
也非常 歡迎點閱我們的錶帶相簿:  More photos of my custom straps are available for your reference, would you please visit my straps album:

Any questions about my handmade straps are welcome.
Please feel free to email me at :

巧將皮飾行 03-3665965
或請洽:   藍先生   0910605612


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    巧將 二哥

    桃園三個皮匠==巧將手工皮雕的皮革工藝之夢==Cheergiant Leather Crafts,watch straps

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