Jaeger LeCoultre curved lug end padded crocodile strap,20x18mm,75x120mm,thick 5.5mm taper to 2.8mm,dual black stitching.01 .JPG

這款是JLC 積家錶的圓弧形錶耳墊厚的黑色鱷魚皮錶帶,寬度是20mm收18mm,適用積家錶原廠18mm的錶帶釦, 錶帶的長度是短邊75mm,長邊120mm,適合約18公分的手腕尺寸,厚度是從5.5mm減薄到2.8mm的厚度. 

Jaeger LeCoultre curved lug end padded crocodile strap,20x18mm,75x120mm,thick 5.5mm taper to 2.8mm,dual black stitching.02 .JPG

Jaeger LeCoultre curved lug end padded crocodile strap,20x18mm in width,75x120mm in length,thick 5.5mm taper to 2.8mm,dual black stitching, dyed and burnished edges, black calf lining.


Jaeger LeCoultre curved lug end padded crocodile strap,20x18mm,75x120mm,thick 5.5mm taper to 2.8mm,dual black stitching.03 .JPG

這款圓弧形錶耳墊厚款式的鱷魚錶帶, 我們在錶帶中間墊厚的材料, 是採用歐洲的柔軟的小牛皮, 用手工削修成圓弧型;  然後再把許多層真皮材料縫製成墊厚的錶帶. 因為太費工時了, 幾乎沒有人用手工製作這類 墊厚的鱷魚錶帶.


目前許多各名牌手錶 的 墊厚款式的錶帶, 在中間墊厚的材料, 幾乎都是採用 厚紙板 (生產線上用紙漿朔型大量生產來製作)做內襯;所以很會吸水吸汗, 經常很快就從錶帶的背面破裂開來.


Jaeger LeCoultre curved lug end padded crocodile strap,20x18mm,75x120mm,thick 5.5mm taper to 2.8mm,dual black stitching.04 .JPG

Jaeger LeCoultre curved lug end padded crocodile strap,20x18mm,75x120mm,thick 5.5mm taper to 2.8mm,dual black stitching.05 .JPG


Jaeger Lecoultre TTR 1931 Fagliano honey brown vintage leather strap,19x18mm,80x128mm,thick5.0mm taper to2.8mm.01 .JPG

這款是JLC 積家錶的Fagliano款式的復古咖啡色牛皮錶帶,寬度是19mm收18mm,適用JLC原廠的錶帶釦,錶帶的長度是短邊80mm,長邊128mm,適合約18~19公分的手腕尺寸,厚度是從5.0mm減薄到2.8mm的厚度. 


Jaeger Lecoultre TTR 1931 Fagliano honey brown vintage leather strap,19x18mm,80x128mm,thick5.0mm taper to2.8mm.02.JPG

Jaeger Lecoultre TTR 1931 Fagliano honey brown vintage leather strap,19x18mm in width,80x128mm in length,thick5.0mm taper to2.8mm, dyed and burnished edges, brown calf lining.


Jaeger Lecoultre TTR 1931 Fagliano honey brown vintage leather strap,19x18mm,80x128mm,thick5.0mm taper to2.8mm.03.JPG

Jaeger Lecoultre TTR 1931 Fagliano honey brown vintage leather strap,19x18mm,80x128mm,thick5.0mm taper to2.8mm.04.JPG

Jaeger Lecoultre TTR 1931 Fagliano honey brown vintage leather strap,19x18mm,80x128mm,thick5.0mm taper to2.8mm.05.JPG

Jaeger Lecoultre TTR 1931 Fagliano honey brown vintage leather strap,19x18mm,80x128mm,thick5.0mm taper to2.8mm.06.JPG


Jaeger LeCoultre TTR1931 Fagliano dark brown Shell cordovan strap, 20x18mm,75x120mm, thick 4.5mm taper to 3.0mm,thin cream stitching. 01  .JPG

這款是JLC 積家錶的Fagliano款式的深咖啡色馬臀皮錶帶,寬度是20mm收18mm,適用JLC原廠的錶帶釦,錶帶的長度是短邊75mm,長邊120mm,適合中等的手腕尺寸,厚度是從4.5mm減薄到3.0mm的厚度. 


Jaeger LeCoultre TTR1931 Fagliano dark brown Shell cordovan strap, 20x18mm,75x120mm, thick 4.5mm taper to 3.0mm,thin cream stitching. 02.JPG

Jaeger LeCoultre TTR1931 Fagliano dark brown Shell cordovan strap, 20x18mm in width,75x120mm in length, thick 4.5mm taper to 3.0mm,thin cream stitching, dyed and burnished edges, brown calf lining.


Jaeger LeCoultre TTR1931 Fagliano dark brown Shell cordovan strap, 20x18mm,75x120mm, thick 4.5mm taper to 3.0mm,thin cream stitching. 03.JPG


Jaeger LeCoultre TTR1931 Fagliano dark brown Shell cordovan strap, 20x18mm,75x120mm, thick 4.5mm taper to 3.0mm,thin cream stitching. 04.JPG

The Genuine Shell Cordovan is the art of tanning at its finest.  More than just a color, it is a very specific leather, from the buttock of horsehide. 


Jaeger LeCoultre TTR1931 Fagliano dark brown Shell cordovan strap, 20x18mm,75x120mm, thick 4.5mm taper to 3.0mm,thin cream stitching. 05.JPG




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