HUBLOT soft black leather strap,25(17x2.1)x22mm,83x105mm,thick 4.0mm taper to 1.8mm,white stitching.01 .JPG

PS:   這款牛皮錶帶在錶帶的中間有特別鑲入一片金屬夾層,用來加強錶帶在錶耳附近的強度. 可以增加牛皮錶帶的使用壽命.

HUBLOT soft black leather strap,25(17x2.1)x22mm,83x105mm,thick 4.0mm taper to 1.8mm,white stitching.02.JPG

HUBLOT soft black leather strap,25(17x2.1)x22mm in width,83x105mm in length,thick 4.0mm taper to 1.8mm,white stitching,dyed and burnished edges, black calf lining.


HUBLOT soft black leather strap,25(17x2.1)x22mm,83x105mm,thick 4.0mm taper to 1.8mm,white stitching.03.JPG

The HUBLOT soft black leather custom strap is one of the most difficult hand made leather watch strap.  
The HUBLOT watch has a particular structure at watch lugs. There are a pair of particular inserts at the lug ends of the HUBLOT watch strap. 
I have to produce a particular metal inserts to produce the middle layer of the HUBLOT new custom strap. 
I have to pare the calf leather to be a proper thick, and package the metal inserts with the calf leather to produce the middle layer of the new custom strap.
After that we sew together with the upper side leather,the middle metal insert layer and the back side calf lining.
Due to that our HUBLOT custom made leather strap will be more durable, clean and anti-allergenic during the wearing period.                   
Please notice that this HUBLOT custom made leather strap service is limited only for sending me the HUBLOT old strap for my reference to produce the new custom strap. 
Either an old OEM leather strap or a rubber strap would be fine for producing the new custom strap.


HUBLOT soft black leather strap,25(17x2.1)x22mm,83x105mm,thick 4.0mm taper to 1.8mm,white stitching.04.JPG

HUBLOT soft black leather strap,25(17x2.1)x22mm,83x105mm,thick 4.0mm taper to 1.8mm,white stitching.05.JPG

這款HUBLOT訂製的牛皮錶帶是極為困難製作的錶帶款式之一.  原廠的HUBLOT 錶帶在錶耳處有特殊的尺寸規格要求.  特殊的斜度,厚度和寬度,讓製作這款手工錶帶幾乎變成不可能的任務! 當然在製作過程中,我們需要原廠舊錶帶做參考.

HUBLOT soft black leather strap,25(17x2.1)x22mm,83x105mm,thick 4.0mm taper to 1.8mm,white stitching.06.JPG

HUBLOT soft black leather strap,25(17x2.1)x22mm,83x105mm,thick 4.0mm taper to 1.8mm,white stitching.07.JPG

HUBLOT soft black leather strap,the producing process of the semiproduct. 01 .JPG

為了加強錶帶的耐用壽命,我們在這款牛皮錶帶的中間,特別鑲入一片金屬夾層,用來加強錶帶在錶耳附近的強度. 可以增加牛皮錶帶的使用壽命.

HUBLOT soft black leather strap,the producing process of the semiproduct. 02.JPG

In order to strengthen the durable life of the strap, we inlaid with a metal insert in the middle of the leather strap to strengthen the strap. The strength at lug end of the leather strap can increase the life of it.

HUBLOT soft black leather strap,the producing process of the semiproduct. 03.JPG

HUBLOT soft black leather strap,the producing process of the semiproduct. 04.JPG

這款牛皮錶帶的錶耳附近是使用六層材料來製作!  這是瘋狂的手工藝作品,只有狂愛藝術,堅持最好的呆瓜才會去做它!

HUBLOT soft black leather strap,the producing process of the semiproduct. 05.JPG

The lug end of this leather strap was made of six layer material. This is crazy handicraft works, only the real art workers, adhere to the best fool will do it!

HUBLOT old rubber strap which was damaged. 已經破裂的 HUBLOT 舊矽膠錶帶. 03.JPG

接著這五張照片是已經破裂的HUBLOT 的矽膠舊錶帶. 

HUBLOT old rubber strap which was damaged.已經破裂的 HUBLOT 舊矽膠錶帶.  04.JPG

These five photos are already broken HUBLOT silicone old strap.

HUBLOT old rubber strap which was damaged.已經破裂的 HUBLOT 舊矽膠錶帶.  05.JPG

HUBLOT old rubber strap which was damaged. 已經破裂的 HUBLOT 舊矽膠錶帶. 01.JPG

HUBLOT old rubber strap which was damaged. 已經破裂的 HUBLOT 舊矽膠錶帶. 02.JPG

諸位先進格友如果有興趣觀賞我們的其它的錶帶樣品,歡迎您參考搜尋點閱 Cheergiant Strap 刊登 的各手錶品牌的手工牛皮錶帶 以及鱷魚皮錶帶. 
歡迎有興趣的格友直接搜尋 巧將手工錶帶, 或是搜尋 cheergiant watch strap.
也非常 歡迎點閱我們的錶帶相簿:
或請洽:   藍先生   0910605612



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