Buran Singray black paddede little horn croco strap %26;  silver pre-v buckle and black thumbnail buckle.JPG

這款是Buran Singray的墊厚的黑色鱷魚小骨錶帶,寬度是24mm收20mm,適用20mm 代用的ㄇ釦,

Buran Singray padded black little horn croco strap,24x20mm,85x133mm,thick 5mm taper to 3mm,bronze stitching.01 .JPG

Buran Singray padded black little horn crocodile strap,24x20mm in width,85x133mm in length,thick 5mm taper to 3mm,bronze stitching,dyed and burnished edges,black calf lining.


Buran Singray padded black little horn croco strap,24x20mm,85x133mm,thick 5mm taper to 3mm,bronze stitching.02 .JPG

The padded crocodile strap is one of the most difficult hand made crocodile straps.
The middle layer of all most of the current OEM padded crocodile straps were made of some paper board pad.  
But our hand made padded croco strap was made of genuine leather board pad in the middle layer of it. 
We pare the British soft calf leather to be a curved board pad to produce the padded middle layer of the croco strap.
After that we sew together with the upper crocodile skin,the middle curved calf board pad and the back side calf lining.
Due to that our padded crocodile custom strap will be more durable, clean and anti-allergenic during the wearing period.

Buran Singray padded black little horn croco strap,24x20mm,85x133mm,thick 5mm taper to 3mm,bronze stitching.03.JPG


Buran Singray padded black little horn croco strap,24x20mm,85x133mm,thick 5mm taper to 3mm,bronze stitching.04.JPG


Buran Singray padded black little horn croco strap,24x20mm,85x133mm,thick 5mm taper to 3mm,bronze stitching.05.JPG

這款 (中央鼓起)墊厚款式的鱷魚錶帶,在錶帶中間墊厚的材料,我們是採用英國的柔軟的小牛皮, 用手工削修成圓弧型; 然後再和上下兩層真皮材料一起縫製成墊厚的錶帶.  因為太費工時了, 幾乎沒有人製作這款真皮墊厚的鱷魚錶帶.  PS:許多各名牌手錶 的 墊厚款式的錶帶, 在中間墊厚的材料, 大都是採用 厚紙板 (紙漿朔型大量製作)做內襯. 

Buran Singray padded black little horn croco strap,24x20mm,85x133mm,thick 5mm taper to 3mm,bronze stitching.06.JPG


Buran Singray padded black little horn croco strap,24x20mm,85x133mm,thick 5mm taper to 3mm,bronze stitching.07.JPG


Buran Singray padded black little horn croco strap,24x20mm,85x133mm,thick 5mm taper to 3mm,bronze stitching.08.JPG

More photos of my custom straps and various leathers are available for your reference, please visit my straps album:
All most of my posting straps are some custom straps that have sold by way of some custom strap orders.


Each my posting items could be made a new custom strap according to the specification of your custom strap order.

Any questions are welcome, please feel free to email me at cheergiant@gmail.com


Citizen Eco-Drive minute Repeater curved lug end padded black croco strap,21x18mm,75x120mm,black stitching.01 .JPG

這款是 Citizen Eco-Drive minute Repeater 的圓弧型錶耳墊厚的黑色鱷魚錶帶,寬度是21mm收18mm,適用18mm Citizen原廠的錶帶釦,


Citizen Eco-Drive minute Repeater curved lug end padded black croco strap,21x18mm,75x120mm,black stitching.02.JPG

Citizen Eco-Drive minute Repeater curved lug end padded black croco strap,21x18mm in width,75x120mm in length,thick 5.5mm taper to 3.0mm,black stitching,dyed and burnished edges,black calf lining.


Citizen Eco-Drive minute Repeater curved lug end padded black croco strap,21x18mm,75x120mm,black stitching.03.JPG


Citizen Eco-Drive minute Repeater curved lug end padded black croco strap,21x18mm,75x120mm,black stitching.04.JPG


Citizen Eco-Drive minute Repeater curved lug end padded black croco strap,21x18mm,75x120mm,black stitching.05.JPG


Citizen Eco-Drive minute Repeater curved lug end padded black croco strap,21x18mm,75x120mm,black stitching.06.JPG


Citizen Eco-Drive minute Repeater curved lug end padded black croco strap,21x18mm,75x120mm,black stitching.07.JPG


Citizen Eco-Drive minute Repeater curved lug end padded black croco strap,21x18mm,75x120mm,black stitching.08.JPG


Citizen Eco-Drive minute Repeater curved lug end padded black croco strap,21x18mm,75x120mm,black stitching.09.JPG

以上登出Buran Singray的墊厚的黑色鱷魚小骨錶帶 與 Citizen Eco-Drive minute Repeater 的圓弧型錶耳墊厚的黑色鱷魚錶帶分享
諸位先進格友如果有興趣觀賞我們的其它的錶帶樣品,歡迎您參考搜尋點閱 Cheergiant Strap 刊登 的各手錶品牌的手工牛皮錶帶 以及鱷魚皮錶帶. 
歡迎有興趣的格友直接搜尋 巧將手工錶帶, 或是搜尋 cheergiant watch strap.
也非常 歡迎點閱我們的錶帶相簿: 

 Email:  cheergiant@gmail.com 
或請洽:   藍先生   0910605612



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