這款是勞力士墊厚的深咖啡色鱷魚錶帶,寬度是20mm收18mm,適用18mm Rolex原廠的小ㄇ釦,
Rolex Day-Date padded brown croco strap,20x18mm in width,72x112mm in length,thick 4.5mm taper to2.5mm,match stitch.
The padded crocodile strap is one of the most difficult hand made crocodile straps.
The middle layer of all most of the current OEM padded crocodile straps were made of some paper board pad.
But our hand made padded croco strap was made of genuine leather board pad in the middle layer of it.
We pare the British soft calf leather to be a curved board pad to produce the padded middle layer of the croco strap.
After that we sew together with the upper crocodile skin,the middle curved calf board pad and the back side calf lining.
Due to that our padded crocodile custom strap will be more durable, clean and anti-allergenic during the wearing period.
這款(中央鼓起)墊厚款式的鱷魚皮錶帶,在錶帶中間墊厚的材料,我們是採用英國的柔軟的小牛皮,用手工削修成圓弧型; 然後再和上層的鱷魚皮革以及下層小牛皮的背皮材料一起縫製成墊厚的鱷魚錶帶. 因為太費工時了,幾乎沒有人製作這類墊厚的鱷魚皮錶帶.
More photos of my custom straps and various leathers are available for your reference, please visit my straps album:
All most of my posting straps are some custom straps that have sold by way of some custom strap orders.
Each my posting items could be made a new custom strap according to the specification of your custom strap order.
Any questions are welcome, please feel free to email me at cheergiant@gmail.com
這款是豪爵G43 Golden Square的灰色鱷魚錶帶,寬度是32mm收18mm,使用18mm 原廠的ㄇ釦,長度是短邊76mm,長邊115mm, 適合約17.5公分的手腕尺寸, 厚度是從5.5mm減薄到3.0mm的厚度.
Roger Dubuis G43 Golden Square gray croco strap,32x18mm in width,76x115mm in length ,thick 5.5mm taper to 3.0mm, dark gray stitching.
這款錶帶的厚度在錶耳處製作較厚的5.5mm可以承受厚重的手錶; 錶帶尾部製作較薄3.0mm的厚度,佩戴起來可以既柔軟又舒適.
以上登出 勞力士 與 豪爵 的兩款鱷魚錶帶分享.
歡迎您 直接搜尋 巧將手工錶帶, 或是搜尋 cheergiant watch strap.
也非常 歡迎點閱我們的錶帶相簿:
敝店 地址是: 巧將手工精品皮飾行 桃園市桃園區中華路156號 TEL: 03-3349479
藍先生 0910605612 Email: cheergiant@gmail.com