RXW  padded brown vintage leather strap,26x22mm,75x115mm,thick 6.5mm taper to 4.0mm. 01  .JPG

這款是RXW 固定錶耳的墊厚的復古咖啡色牛皮錶帶,縫日本的上蠟米色麻線.這件錶帶是直接縫製到這款固定的錶耳的手錶上的.錶帶的寬度是26mm收22mm,適用22mm的錶帶釦,長度是短邊75mm,長邊115mm, 
厚度是製作6.5mm減薄到4.0mm的厚度,側邊有磨圓和封蠟處理,背面使用柔軟又耐用的咖啡色小牛皮做背皮.  這款(中央鼓起)墊厚款式的手工錶帶,在錶帶中間墊厚的材料,我們是採用英國的柔軟的小牛皮, 用手工削修成圓弧型;然後再和上下兩層真皮材料一起縫製成墊厚的錶帶.因為太費工時了,幾乎沒有人製作這類 墊厚的牛皮錶帶.    


RXW  padded brown vintage leather strap,26x22mm,75x115mm,thick 6.5mm taper to 4.0mm. 02.JPG

RXW fixed watch lug padded brown vintage leather strap,26x22mm in width,75x115mm in length,thick 6.5mm taper to 4.0mm,cream stitching,dyed and burnished edges,brown calf lining. 

RXW  padded brown vintage leather strap,26x22mm,75x115mm,thick 6.5mm taper to 4.0mm. 03.JPG

More photos of my custom straps are available for your reference, please visit my straps album:



All most of my posting straps are some custom straps that have sold by way of some custom strap orders.
Each my posting items could be made a new custom strap according to the specification of the custom strap order.

Any questions about my handmade straps are welcome.
Please feel free to email me at cheergiant@gmail.com

RXW  padded brown vintage leather strap,26x22mm,75x115mm,thick 6.5mm taper to 4.0mm. 04.JPG

許多廠牌的固定錶耳款式的手錶,最令人頭痛的就是無法買到錶帶來更換. 尤其有些古董級的手錶和已經停產的錶款,想要更換錶帶更是非常的困難.


RXW  padded brown vintage leather strap,26x22mm,75x115mm,thick 6.5mm taper to 4.0mm. 05.JPG

RXW  padded brown vintage leather strap,26x22mm,75x115mm,thick 6.5mm taper to 4.0mm. 06.JPG

RXW  padded brown vintage leather strap,26x22mm,75x115mm,thick 6.5mm taper to 4.0mm. 07.JPG

RXW  padded brown vintage leather strap,26x22mm,75x115mm,thick 6.5mm taper to 4.0mm. 08.JPG

RXW  padded brown vintage leather strap,26x22mm,75x115mm,thick 6.5mm taper to 4.0mm. 09.JPG

以上刊登RXW 固定錶耳的墊厚的復古咖啡色牛皮錶帶分享.




巧將的信箱是  Email:  cheergiant@gmail.com  或  a3616013@yahoo.com.tw
敝店的電話是: TEL: 03-3349479 

    創作者 巧將 二哥 的頭像
    巧將 二哥

    桃園三個皮匠==巧將手工皮雕的皮革工藝之夢==Cheergiant Leather Crafts,watch straps

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