這款IWC 葡萄牙 橘咖啡色鱷魚錶帶原來的色調比較偏於咖啡色,這位格友在陽光和較深色的背景之下拍攝的照片,呈現出較深的橘色色調.
這款是IWC葡萄牙的橘咖啡色鱷魚錶帶,縫紅色的上蠟麻線,寬度是20mm收18mm,適用18mm 代用的原廠摺疊釦,長度是短邊75mm,長邊115mm, 厚度是從4.5mm減薄到2.5mm的厚度. 這款鱷魚錶帶是採用珍貴的鱷魚皮革做錶帶正面的材料,並使用柔軟又強韌的英國小牛皮做錶帶中間墊厚的裡襯和背面的皮革材料,側邊有磨圓和封蠟處理,以上蠟的日本麻線純手工縫製完成.
IWC Portuguese orangeish brown padded croco strap,20x18mm in width,75x115mm in length,thick 4.5 taper to 2.5mm, red stitch,dyed and burnished edges,red calf lining.
The heavy padded crocodile strap is one of the most difficult hand made crocodile straps.
The middle layer of all most of the current OEM padded crocodile straps were made of some paper board pad.
But our hand made padded croco strap was made of genuine leather board pad in the middle layer of it.
We pare the calf leather to be a curved board pad to produce the padded middle layer of the croco strap.
After that we sew together with the upper crocodile skin,the middle curved calf board pad and the back side calf lining.
Due to that our padded crocodile custom strap will be more durable, clean and anti-allergenic during the wearing period.
這款是IWC Top gun 大飛的紫色鱷魚錶帶,縫米桃紅色的上蠟麻線,寬度是21mm收18mm,適用18mm 代用的原廠摺疊釦,長度是短邊75mm,長邊118mm, 厚度是從4.5mm減薄到2.8mm的厚度. 這款鱷魚錶帶是採用珍貴的鱷魚皮革做錶帶正面的材料,並使用柔軟又強韌的英國小牛皮做錶帶中間墊厚的裡襯和背面的皮革材料,側邊有磨圓和封蠟處理,以上蠟的日本麻線純手工縫製完成.
IWC Top Gun purple croco strap, 21x18mm in width, 75x118mm in length, thick 4.5mm taper to2.8mm,pink stitch,dyed and burnished edges,match calf lining.
以上登出 IWC 葡萄牙 橘咖啡色鱷魚錶帶與IWC Top Gun大飛的紫色鱷魚錶帶分享.
歡迎您 參考搜尋點閱 Cheergiant Strap 刊登 的各手錶品牌的手工牛皮錶帶 以及鱷魚皮錶帶.
歡迎有興趣的格友直接搜尋 巧將手工錶帶, 或是搜尋 cheergiant watch strap.
也非常 歡迎點閱我們的錶帶相簿: