JLC TTR1931 Fagliano style leather strap, 20x18mm, 70x115mm, thick 5.0mm taper to 2.5mm. 01 .JPG

歡迎諸位格友參考點閱 Sep 29 Tue 2015  我們刊登的 積家TTR 1931 Fagliano款式的深咖啡色馬臀皮錶帶分享  

JLC TTR 1931 限量的馬臀皮原廠錶帶已經停產多年了, 所以這款馬臀皮錶帶如果要向原廠訂購, 除了不確定的時間等待之外, 據說價格十分的高貴!


今天刊登的這款是手工製作的 JLC TTR 1931 Fagliano style 的復古咖啡色的牛皮錶帶.

錶帶的尺寸是: 寬度 20mm 收18mm, 長度是 70 x 115mm, 厚度是錶耳處5.0mm, 錶帶尾部是2.5mm厚.


JLC TTR1931 Fagliano style leather strap, 20x18mm, 70x115mm, thick 5.0mm taper to 2.5mm. 02.JPG

JLC TTR1931 Fagliano style brown vintage leather strap,20x18mm in width,70x115mm in length,thick 5.0mm taper to 2.5mm,cream stitching,dyed and burnished edges. 


JLC TTR1931 Fagliano style leather strap, 20x18mm, 70x115mm, thick 5.0mm taper to 2.5mm. 03.JPG

More photos of my custom straps are available for your reference, please visit my straps album:

All most of my posting straps are some custom straps that have sold by way of some custom strap orders.
Each my posting items could be made a new custom strap according to the specification of the custom strap order.

Any questions about my handmade straps are welcome.
Please feel free to email me at

JLC TTR1931 Fagliano style leather strap, 20x18mm, 70x115mm, thick 5.0mm taper to 2.5mm. 04.JPG



Longines purple crocodile strap, 19x18mm, 55x100mm, thick 5.5mm taper to 2.0mm, match stitching. 01.JPG

這款是浪琴錶的紫色墊厚的鱷魚錶帶,縫紫色的上蠟麻線,寬度是19mm收18mm,適用Longines 原廠的摺疊釦,長度是短邊55mm,長邊100mm, 厚度是從5.5mm減薄到2.0mm的厚度.

Longines purple crocodile strap, 19x18mm, 55x100mm, thick 5.5mm taper to 2.0mm, match stitching. 02.JPG

Longines purple padded crocodile strap,19x18mm in width, 55x100mm in length,thick 5.5mm taper to 2.0mm,match stitching,dyed and burnished edges,black calf lining. 


Longines purple crocodile strap, 19x18mm, 55x100mm, thick 5.5mm taper to 2.0mm, match stitching. 03 .JPG

Longines purple croco strap, 19x18mm, 55x100mm, thick 5.5mm taper to 2.0mm, match stitching.04.JPG

Longines purple crocodile strap, 19x18mm, 55x100mm, thick 5.5mm taper to 2.0mm, match stitching. 05.JPG

以上刊登 積家錶復古牛皮錶帶與浪琴錶鱷魚錶帶分享
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