BR-01 honey brown vintage  leather strap, 24x24mm, 78x120mm, thick 4.5 taper to 4.0mm,match stitching. 01.JPG

這款是 Bell & Ross BR-01 咖啡色復古風味的牛皮錶帶,縫同色的上蠟麻線,寬度是24mm收24mm,適用24mm原廠的錶帶釦,
長度短邊是 78mm,長邊120mm,適合約17~18公分的手腕尺寸.厚度是從錶耳處的4.5mm減薄到尾部的4.0mm的厚度,既可承受厚重的手錶,又可兼顧柔軟舒適的配戴品質.

BR-01 honey brown vintage  leather strap, 24x24mm, 78x120mm, thick 4.5 taper to 4.0mm,match stitching. 02.JPG

BR-01 honey brown vintage cowskin strap,24x24mm in width,78x120mm in length,thick 4.5 taper to 4.0mm,match stitching,dyed and burnished edges,brown calf lining.

BR-01 honey brown vintage  leather strap, 24x24mm, 78x120mm, thick 4.5 taper to 4.0mm,match stitching. 03.JPG

Any questions are welcome, please feel free to email me at

BR-03 honey brown leather strap, 24x24mm, 70x115mm, thick 4.5 taper to 4.0mm, cream stitching. 01 .JPG

這款是 Bell & Ross BR-03 可可咖啡色復古風味的牛皮錶帶,縫米色的上蠟麻線,寬度是24mm收24mm,適用24mm原廠的錶帶釦,
長度短邊是 70mm,長邊115mm,適合約16公分的手腕尺寸.厚度是從錶耳處的4.5mm減薄到尾部的4.0mm的厚度,既可承受厚重的手錶,又可兼顧柔軟舒適的配戴品質.

BR-03 honey brown leather strap, 24x24mm, 70x115mm, thick 4.5 taper to 4.0mm, cream stitching. 02.JPG

BR-03 honey brown leather strap,24x24mm in width,70x115mm in length,thick 4.5 taper to 4.0mm,cream stitching,dyed and burnished edges,brown calf lining.

BR-03 honey brown leather strap, 24x24mm, 70x115mm, thick 4.5 taper to 4.0mm, cream stitching. 03.JPG

BR-03 honey brown leather strap, 24x24mm, 70x115mm, thick 4.5 taper to 4.0mm, cream stitching. 04.JPG

以上登出  Bell & Ross 的鱷魚錶帶與牛皮錶帶分享.  感謝點閱! 
歡迎有興趣的格友直接搜尋 巧將手工錶帶, 或是搜尋 cheergiant watch strap.

也非常 歡迎點閱我們的錶帶相簿: 


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    巧將 二哥

    桃園三個皮匠==巧將手工皮雕的皮革工藝之夢==Cheergiant Leather Crafts,watch straps

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