小雪茄煙盒與愛彼錶皇家橡樹離岸型鱷魚背骨錶帶,Small cigar box and AP ROO horn back croco strap.


AP ROO brown horn back croco strap,28x20mm,62x110mm,thick 6.5mm taper to 3.5mm,dual cream stitch.

小雪茄煙盒與愛彼錶皇家橡樹離岸型鱷魚背骨錶帶,Small cigar box and AP ROO hoen back croco strap.02

這款愛彼錶皇家橡樹離岸型鱷魚背骨錶帶的尺寸是:寬度是28mm收20mm,適用20mm AP原廠的ㄇ釦,

義大利鱷魚紋牛皮小雪茄煙盒, Italian crococalf small cigar box.02義大利鱷魚紋牛皮小雪茄煙盒, Italian crococalf small cigar box.01

義大利鱷魚紋牛皮小雪茄煙盒, Italian crococalf small cigar box.03義大利鱷魚紋牛皮小雪茄煙盒, Italian crococalf small cigar box.04


AP ROO brown horn back croco strap, 28x20mm, 62x110mm, thick 6.5mm taper to 3.5mm, dual cream stitch. 01 AP ROO brown horn back croco strap, 28x20mm, 62x110mm, thick 6.5mm taper to 3.5mm, dual cream stitch. 02

AP ROO皇家橡樹離岸錶款有獨特的設計,它的錶帶在錶耳處有特殊的配件(end link)設計.相關的的錶耳尺寸非常的精細獨特!
因為整條AP ROO錶帶需要將皮革特殊削薄,製作成錶耳處較厚逐漸減薄的款式.

AP ROO brown horn back croco strap, 28x20mm, 62x110mm, thick 6.5mm taper to 3.5mm, dual cream stitch. 03  

同時由於原廠的錶耳連結配件(end link)有特殊的凹凸溝槽設計,錶帶在裝配錶耳配件的地方,需要精細製作獨特的凹凸溝槽,才能搭配原廠的錶帶配件.

AP ROO brown horn back croco strap, 28x20mm, 62x110mm, thick 6.5mm taper to 3.5mm, dual cream stitch. 04

歡迎有興趣的格友直接搜尋 巧將手工錶帶,或是搜尋 cheergiant watch strap.









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