幾款寶鉑Blancpain鱷魚錶帶分享 Some Blancpain padded crocodile watch straps Blancpain black padded croco strap, 19x16mm, 65x110mm, thick 2.8mm taper to 2.0mm, match stitch. 01   

前陣子幫網友製作了幾款寶鉑的鱷魚錶帶,  現在登出與格友們分享.  歡迎點閱與指教. 

Blancpain black padded croco strap, 19x16mm, 65x110mm, thick 2.8mm taper to 2.0mm, match stitch. 

Blancpain white padded croco strap, 19x16mm, 65x110mm, thick 2.8mm taper to 2.0mm, match stitch.

Blancpain black padded croco strap, 19x16mm, 65x110mm, thick 2.8mm taper to 2.0mm, match stitch. 02Blancpain black padded croco strap, 19x16mm, 65x110mm, thick 2.8mm taper to 2.0mm, match stitch. 03

首先這兩款白色與黑色墊厚的鱷魚錶帶, 製作的尺寸是:   

寬度是 19x16mm, 長度是 65x110mm, 厚度是從 2.8mm 減薄到 2.0mm, 逢黑色的麻線.

Blancpain black padded croco strap, 19x16mm, 65x110mm, thick 2.8mm taper to 2.0mm, match stitch. 04Blancpain black padded croco strap, 19x16mm, 65x110mm, thick 2.8mm taper to 2.0mm, match stitch. 05


Blancpain white padded croco strap, 19x16mm, 65x110mm, thick 2.8mm taper to 2.0mm, match stitch. 01Blancpain white padded croco strap, 19x16mm, 65x110mm, thick 2.8mm taper to 2.0mm, match stitch. 02


Blancpain white padded croco strap, 19x16mm, 65x110mm, thick 2.8mm taper to 2.0mm, match stitch. 03Blancpain white padded croco strap, 19x16mm, 65x110mm, thick 2.8mm taper to 2.0mm, match stitch. 04


Blancpain white padded croco strap, 19x16mm, 65x110mm, thick 2.8mm taper to 2.0mm, match stitch. 05


接著這款寶鉑男士用的鱷魚錶帶, 製作的尺寸是:  寬度 22x18mm, 長度75x113mm, 厚度是從5.5mm減薄到2.5mm,縫黑色上蠟麻線和咖啡色的小牛皮背皮內襯.        

Blancpain black padded crocodile strap, 22x18mm, 75x113mm thick 5.5mm taper to 2.5mm, black stitch, brown calf lining. 02Blancpain black padded crocodile strap, 22x18mm, 75x113mm thick 5.5mm taper to 2.5mm, black stitch, brown calf lining. 01

Blancpain black padded crocodile strap, 22x18mm, 75x113mm thick 5.5mm taper to 2.5mm, black stitch, brown calf lining. 

Blancpain black padded crocodile strap, 寶鉑錶 鱷魚錶帶22x18mm, 75x113mm, black stitch, brown calf lining.  Blancpain black padded crocodile strap, 22x18mm, 75x113mm thick 5.5mm taper to 2.5mm, black stitch, brown calf lining. 04

                    以上登出幾款寶鉑Blancpain鱷魚錶帶分享    謝謝點閱!

歡迎有興趣的格友直接搜尋 巧將手工錶帶, 或是搜尋 cheergiant watch strap.





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