最近做了幾款 IWC ˋ OMEGAˋ HERMESˋˋˋ 等錶款的特殊錶帶.
趁空登出, 歡迎格友們點閱分享.
IWC 3713 pilot watch custom strap, 21x18mm, 75x130mm, thick 4.0mm taper to 3.0mm, honey brown vintage cowskin strap, tan stitch.
首先這款是 IWC 3713 pilot watch 的訂製錶帶.
錶帶的背面是柔軟的小牛皮內襯, 以上臘的麻線手工縫製完成.
IWC Yahct club Custom strap, 22x20mm, 75x120mm, black little horn croco deployant strap, cream stitch.
接著這款是 IWC Yahct club 的墊厚小骨鱷魚錶帶.
錶帶的厚度針對摺疊扣的規格, 製作由厚減薄的尺寸.
OMEGA Speedmaster Custom Crazy horse strap, manufacturing photos.
這款 OMEGA Speedmaster 的墊厚錶帶, 也是由厚減薄的規格.
HERMES custom strap A, 23x17mm, 70x115mm, thick 3.5mm taper to 2.0mm, chocolate brown cowskin strap, cream stitch.
這款HERMES 的咖啡色錶帶, 另外同時訂做了 接下來那款較淺的顏色.
HERMES custom strap B, 23x17mm, 70x115mm, thick 3.5mm taper to 2.0mm, honey brown cowskin strap, cream stitch.
Custom 10431, 24x15mm, 65x110mm, honey brown croco strap, orange stitch.
這款 24mm 縮到15mm 寬度的鱷魚錶帶, 訂製的長度是稍短的 65x110mm.
Custom 10431', 24x15mm, 65x110mm, orange croco strap, orange stitch.
Custom hidden screw strap, 22x22mm, 80x140mm, thick4.5mm taper to 3.5mm, chocolate vintage cowskin strap, dark brown stitch.
這款是 22mm寬度 的隱藏式 螺絲扣錶帶, 這是針對固定錶耳的錶款所設計製作.
Custom0280, 25x16mm, 70x110mm, thick 3.5mm taper to 3.0mm, black heavy padded croco strap, black stitch.
這款墊厚的鱷魚錶帶有獨特的造型款式, 是幫一位國外網友訂製的.
Custom10281, 21x18mm, 80x120mm, thick 2.8mm taper to 1.8mm, ultrasoft orange cowskin strap, white stitch.
Custom 10271, 22x18mm, 75x115mm, thick 5.5mm taper to 3.5mm, ultrasoft tan cowskin strap, black stitch.
Custom 10273, 28x26mm, 75x125mm, thick 7.0mm taper to 5.2mm, honey brown vintage cowskin strap, yellow stitch.
這款28mm錶耳, 使用26mm 錶扣的加寬錶帶, 厚度是由 7.0mm減薄到5.2mm.
針對許多厚重的名牌自動錶錶款, 製作由厚減薄的錶帶厚度,
既可以承受手錶的重量, 也可以獲得較舒適的配戴品質.