前陣子製作了兩款 積家錶 墊厚的折疊釦鱷魚錶帶.




                   這款 積家錶 墊厚的折疊釦黑色鱷魚錶帶的尺寸是:

        20 mm 的錶耳收16 mm 的折疊釦, 長度是稍長的 80 x 125 mm,

        厚度是從 4.5 mm 減薄到 2.0 mm, 背面是咖啡色的小牛皮內襯.


       JLC custom strap, 20 x 16 mm in width, 80 x 125 mm in length,

thick 4.5mm taper to 2.0mm, heavy padded black croco deployant strap,

                                match stitching, brown calf lining.




 而 一般大量生產的原廠錶帶, 大都採用厚紙板或化工合成材料做內襯.





             再來這款是  JLC Reverso 墊厚的折疊釦深咖啡色鱷魚錶帶.


           這款 JLC Reverso 墊厚的折疊釦深咖啡色鱷魚錶帶的尺寸是:

           錶耳寬度 19 mm 及 16 mm 的折疊釦, 長度是 70 x 115 mm,

      厚度是從 4.5 mm 減薄到 2.5 mm, 背面是採用柔軟的小牛皮做內襯.


                                          JLC Reverso custom strap,

19 x 16 mm in width, 70 x 115 mm in length, thick 4.5mm taper to 2.5mm,
                     heavy padded dark brown croco deployant strap,

                                    match stitching, brown calf lining.






                                積家錶 墊厚的折疊釦鱷魚錶帶分享

         Cheergiant straps JLC Reverso padded croco deployant strap



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