FOSSIL red saddle calf skin strap,10x10mm,55x95mm, thick 2.9mm taper to 2.7mm,white stitching.01  .JPG

這款是 FOSSIL 的紅色牛皮錶帶,寬度是10mm,適用10mm代用的錶帶釦,


FOSSIL red saddle calf skin strap,10x10mm,55x95mm, thick 2.9mm taper to 2.7mm,white stitching.02.JPG

FOSSIL red saddle calf skin strap,10x10mm in width,55x95mm in length, thick 2.9mm taper to 2.7mm,white stitching,dyed and burnished edges,match calf lining.


FOSSIL red saddle calf skin strap,10x10mm,55x95mm, thick 2.9mm taper to 2.7mm,white stitching.03.JPG

FOSSIL red saddle calf skin strap,10x10mm,55x95mm, thick 2.9mm taper to 2.7mm,white stitching.JPG

這款 FOSSIL 手錶的原廠錶帶已經極端困難再取得新的錶帶.   訂製手工錶帶無疑是最快最經濟實惠的方案了.


更換了全新的手工錶帶後, 這款 FOSSIL 手錶又變得跟新手錶一樣美麗和吸引人了!

FOSSIL red saddle calf skin strap,10x10mm,55x95mm, thick 2.9mm taper to 2.7mm,white stitching.04.JPG

PS: 這些錶帶的照片都是近拍放大的效果, 實際上的錶帶是較細較薄,質感分常精緻的手工錶帶. 

FOSSIL red saddle calf skin strap,10x10mm,55x95mm, thick 2.9mm taper to 2.7mm,white stitching.05.JPG

FOSSIL red saddle calf skin strap,10x10mm,55x95mm, thick 2.9mm taper to 2.7mm,white stitching.06.JPG

FOSSIL red saddle calf skin strap,10x10mm,55x95mm, thick 2.9mm taper to 2.7mm,white stitching.07.JPG

FOSSIL red saddle calf skin strap,10x10mm,55x95mm, thick 2.9mm taper to 2.7mm,white stitching.08.JPG

FOSSIL red saddle calf skin strap,10x10mm,55x95mm, thick 2.9mm taper to 2.7mm,white stitching.09.JPG

FOSSIL red saddle calf skin strap,10x10mm,55x95mm, thick 2.9mm taper to 2.7mm,white stitching.10.JPG

FOSSIL red saddle calf skin strap,10x10mm,55x95mm, thick 2.9mm taper to 2.7mm,white stitching.11.JPG

FOSSIL red saddle calf skin strap,10x10mm,55x95mm, thick 2.9mm taper to 2.7mm,white stitching.12.JPG

FOSSIL red saddle calf skin strap,10x10mm,55x95mm, thick 2.9mm taper to 2.7mm,white stitching.JPG

以上登出FOSSIL紅鞍小牛皮手工錶帶 絕版錶帶訂製 分享
諸位先進格友如果有興趣觀賞我們的其它各廠牌的錶帶樣品,歡迎您參考搜尋點閱 Cheergiant Strap 刊登 的各手錶品牌的手工牛皮錶帶 以及鱷魚皮錶帶. 
歡迎有興趣的格友直接搜尋 巧將手工錶帶, 或是搜尋 cheergiant watch strap.

也非常 歡迎點閱我們的錶帶相簿:

或請洽:   藍先生   0910605612



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